The supply of nutrients to the body is regulated by the intestines. The organ thus does very fundamental things for our wellbeing. The daily handling of the organ, which is so important for health, is often very careless, because in order to be able to work properly, the intestine needs your support: eat slowly, chew well and salivate, stop when you feel full, do not eat too often and too late, Eat in a relaxed state, reduce carbohydrates, do not eat raw vegetables in the evening. But we make some cardinal mistakes that put a strain on the intestines. We often eat:
- too fast
- too sour
- too much
- at the wrong time
- too often
- too tired
If the intestine is now stressed in this way, fermentation and putrefactive poisons are produced through bacterial processes, which stress the intestine itself, the liver and consequently all organ systems. In particular, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerance, metabolic disorders and arteriosclerosis arise. Joint and spinal problems, sleep disorders and a general reduction in performance are also related to these poisoning processes. Each MayrPrevent® therapy addresses these problems at the root. Se specializes in the treatment of complaints and diseases that arise in the intestine and can prevent them from developing in advance with specific measures.